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Group Meeting

Mission Statement

Serving South Orange County,CA, the South Orange County Parkinson's Support Group is an informal, self-managed organization of persons with Parkinson's and their care partners. Our purpose is to educate about Parkinson's, share information, and offer mutual respect in an environment of compassion and understanding, leaving judgement and criticism at the door. We provide everyone attending with a safe, kind, and accepting space.

Group Structure

Meetings are held the first Thursday of each month (with exceptions - see the Schedule) from 4-5:30pm at the Norman Murray Senior Center in Mission Viejo, CA.

Meetings often include a guest speaker of interest for all or a portion of the meeting.  Otherwise, meetings involve sharing of information and discussing current topics or member concerns as appropriate.

At no time shall anyone sell or market products or services (speakers representing businesses / products are required to speak more broadly on a specific topic}

​All discussions are in confidence to the members present, and it is agreed by all that any comments, disclosures, or personal experiences shared by members are not to be taken or repeated outside of the meeting.

Refreshments are not typically provided.  Attendees are welcome to bring their own.  There are also a number of restaurants nearby.

The group is administered by a committee of a few active members who, among other things, secure the use of the meeting facility, plan meetings and arrange for guest speakers. The committee is currently under the direction of Donna C, Dave O, Lauren S,  Debbie S. and Sage B.

IMPORTANT:  In the unlikely event that we should have to cancel the meeting at any point right up to the meeting itself, a notice stating “(Date) Meeting Canceled” will be prominently displayed on the home page of this web site.  An email may also be sent to all current members alerting them as soon as possible, but as a safety precaution to prevent you from making the trip for nothing, please check this web site before leaving, especially if you are driving a long distance or if you will be attending your first meeting, since we probably wouldn't have your email yet.

We ask that the content off all discussion stay on topic and avoid foul language and avoid personal political and religious views and opinions. We also ask that participants be respectful of time when speaking in order to allow everyone a chance to speak.

This web site provides information related only to our support group. For all other Parkinson's information relating to Orange County, CA, please go to Parkinson's Orange County

​If you have any comments or suggestions please use the Contact Form.​

Note:  We DO NOT give, sell, or in any other way distribute the names, phone numbers, email address, or any other information about any of our members to any outside interests or organizations.  This includes among support group members as well, unless with the requested member's permission.

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